WITH SunGalaa.
With yoga, life changes for the better. Yoga gives inner peace and concentration, serenity and connection, joy and energy, mindfulness and stillness, balance and courage.
We would like to share these qualities.
Trainings and courses focus on easy-to-learn tools that create effective improvements in all areas of life:
Regardless of the individual situation, we can direct our attention and be present. Presence, in turn, allows one to participate actively rather than reactively in life and to distinguish the present from the past. The essential ingredient of a good life is awareness. It creates space for change.
We show ways to initiate sustainable change. On these paths SunGalaa accompanies both individuals and groups.
Don't just talk to a person. Don't just become friends with a person. Don't just shake a person's hand. Serve that person. Elevate the person.

Sohan Kaur is an experienced Kundalini Yoga teacher and Lead Trainer for yoga trainings. She discovered Kundalini Yoga in 1999 while studying engineering and economics. Shortly after, she completed a yoga teacher training and began working in adult education. In addition to her work as a Lead Trainer and teacher of meditation for the Kundalini Research Institute, she has also given seminars on labor and social law and political education.
Sohan has a clear and well-structured teaching method that enables a wide audience to understand complex aspects of the teachings of Kundalini Yoga in an undogmatic, scientifically sound and understandable way.
She has worked extensively with Karam Kriya and psychological counseling since 2002, and has worked as a counselor for people with physical, mental and emotional impairments for over 10 years. Her interest in neuroscience was sparked by a training in medical hypnotherapy in 2016, and she began to explore the connection between meditation, habits, behavioral patterns and neural connections.
Her new course “NeuroMeditation” builds on this and offers insights and experiences that enable lasting changes in perception, thinking and behavioral patterns.
During the Covid lockdown in 2020, she fulfilled her longtime wish and translated the Japji, a sacred scripture of Sikhism, into a secular German version. She volunteered for many years on the board of 3HO Germany and as a board member of the Kundalini Research Institute.