The Content

Get an overview of the major topics and processes you can expect.

Lifecycles, Lifestyle


Cultivate inner silence.
Be intelligently guided by your intuition.
Conquer your mind and therefore, the world.
Experience oneness with the greater whole.

Deepen your meditation practice.
Discover the fundamental nature and dynamics of the mind and your thoughts.
Establish a real relationship with your mind.
Live your true Self and realize your potential.
Learn to act from the neutral mind.
Let your intuition guide you and act with applied intelligence.
Let the Infinite support you through prayer.

Worth Knowing

Worth Knowing Here you will discover a vibrant array of information: Background details, articles on yoga topics, insights into the SunGalaa approach, and a few personal reflections. 10 reasons to practice Kundalini Yoga Kundalini Yoga is rooted in ancient knowledge that has been passed on orally and through direct experience over thousands of years. It […]

Coaching mit Sohan

Willkommen zu deinem persönlichen Wachstumsabenteuer!

Bist du bereit, tiefe Veränderungen in deinem Leben zu erleben und dein volles Potenzial zu entfalten?
Dann ist unser maßgeschneidertes Coaching-Angebot genau das Richtige für dich!

In den Beratungen stehen deine individuellen Bedürfnisse und Ziele im Mittelpunkt. Basierend auf über zwei Jahrzehnt Erfahrung in psychosozialen Beratungen begleitet Sohan dich einfühlsam und professionell auf deinem Weg zu einem erfüllten und authentischen Leben. Mit einem Coaching finden wir gemeinsam deine ganz auf dich abgestimmte, individuelle Strategie, die dich dein volles Potential leben lässt.

21 Stufen der Meditation


Cultivate inner silence.
Be intelligently guided by your intuition.
Conquer your mind and therefore, the world.
Experience oneness with the greater whole.

Deepen your meditation practice.
Discover the fundamental nature and dynamics of the mind and your thoughts.
Establish a real relationship with your mind.
Live your true Self and realize your potential.
Learn to act from the neutral mind.
Let your intuition guide you and act with applied intelligence.
Let the Infinite support you through prayer.
